Tuesday, May 5, 2015


I declare that "Spring is finally here"; I say finally because at last something has bloomed in my garden - tulips. Big day for me since I have been eyeing all the opened tulips in the neighbourhood as I take our dog for his daily walk. "Do they fertilize, do they have better sun exposure or have I bungled up the hardiest of perennials" ? are thoughts that I wrestle with during every outing. So as I proudly took pictures of our first blooms of 2015, I tried not to dwell too much on the fact that my weeds are probably crying out for my attention too.
Pardon the digression, I must get back to my Everything Colourful Salad. What better time than spring to make a salad that is bursting with the colours and flavours of the season. I made this salad on Saturday and we had leftovers for breakfast today with a hard boiled egg. A perfect protein rich salad that is not just easy to make and healthy, it tastes good too. My recipe used the vegetables I had but feel free to substitute. I made a dressing with pomegranate molasses that my dear friend M brought back from Iran. I have also used "Magiun de prune" to make this dressing and it is just as delicious. Now "Magiun" for my non Romanian readers is a plum paste like jam made using a sweet plum variety that is cooked down for up to 10 hours without adding any sugar. The result is a thick, dark purple paste that is slightly sweet and sour. We bought a jar from the local Romanian deli and I must admit I got a real kick out of seeing a label with just one ingredient on it - Plums.
This is the ideal "cut up and pack for a couple of days" salad, add dressing when serving. I layered this is a deep dish and used it over the weekend and the leftovers this morning for breakfast. Put in individual containers to pack into lunch boxes with some dressing on the side. Play with colours, enjoy your salad : >

Skill Level: Easy 
Serves: 4 to 5 

  • 1 cup cooked quinoa 
  • 2 cups cooked chickpeas
  • 2 medium sized carrots, thinly sliced 
  • 1 red bell pepper chopped into small pieces 
  • 2 stalks celery chopped into small pieces 
  • 11/2 cup chopped red kale
  • 2 tbsp crumbled feta (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp pomegranate molasses
  • 1 tbsp  honey
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 3-4 tbsp warm water (the molasses and the honey make it quite thick)
  • salt and pepper to taste 

  1. Wash and cook quinoa 1/2 cup cooked in 1 cup of water. (I usually cook 1 cup so extras can be added to other salads, soups or used as a side )
  2. Put the cooked chickpeas in a food processor and pulse until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs (if using canned, drain liquid, rinse thoroughly and pat dry before pulsing in the food processor)
  3. Wash and slice carrots, chop pepper and celery. Cut up the kale
  4. To make the dressing add all the ingredients together and mix well until combined. Add water to thin out as needed. Check seasoning
  5. If serving immediately add the quinoa to the vegetables and toss with the dressing. Crumble feta and add if using.

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