Monday, October 22, 2012

Miso Soup with Zucchini

Fall is here and the day is getting shorter and colder. Soon, we all know that winter will be more and so on. All I can think of is making a pot of hot and comforting soup. When I checked my pantry and fridge, I found that I had ingredients readily available for a Japanese miso soup.

Traditionally, bonito flakes (fish flakes) are usually used to make the broth in addition to miso paste. However, I use dashi to make the broth to save time. Dashi is an instant Japanese fish stock that is made from kelp and/or fish shavings. It is salty and contributes to umami taste. In case if you want to make a vegetarian style miso soup, then, you can omit dashi and replace with vegetable stock or kelp stock. You can get dried kelp from Japanese or Korean grocery stores. Simply rinse the kelp and boil in a pot of water to make the stock.

There are two types of miso: red and white. Red miso has a much more stronger taste while white miso is sweeter and delicate. When making soup with miso paste, you need to ensure the soup is simmered instead of rolling boiled to retain its flavour.

Skill Level: Easy
Serves: 6 - 8

  • 1.25 L water
  • 1 1/2 tsp dashi 
  • 1 1/2 tbsp wakame seaweed
  • 1 1/2 tbsp white miso paste
  • 1 pack (300 g) silken tofu
  • 1/2 zucchini, sliced diagonally
  • 1 green onion, chopped finely

  1. In a pot, boil water and add in dashi. Turn the heat to low
  2. Cut tofu into small cubes. Add in the wakame seaweed and tofu
  3. In a small bowl, mix miso paste with a ladle of hot broth. Whisk until dissolved
  4. Slowly stir in the miso slurry into the pot
  5. Add in zucchini slices and cook under low heat for another 5 minutes
  6. Serve hot and garnish with green onion


  1. Thank you for sharing this. Just made it today but with enoki like you did. Perfect fix for cold weather-related umami craving, and so easy too!

    Where do you get dashi? I tried the ethnic market near the 427 (too lazy to get out to T&T) but no luck.

  2. E - you can get dashi at any chinese gocery stores. Go to Korean & Japanese aisle. You will find it in a white, blue, red box with blue coloured fish design.


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